
8月 022012

Use windows api to download file in delphi

above is the code

8月 022012

今天在虚拟机中使用CVS CheckOut的时候出现了”Unable to
load MSVCP711.dll (0x0000007e). Check application installation”.的错误,后来在网上查了查,可能是缺少msvcp71.dll的原因,下载了一个msvcp71.dll到X:Program FilesCommon FilesMarch Hare Software Ltd目录后,问题就解决了。

8月 012012

1. 当前系统日期、时间
select getdate()

2. dateadd 在向指定日期加上一段时间的基础上,返回新的 datetime 值
select dateadd(day,2,’2004-10-15′) –返回:2004-10-17 00:00:00.000

3. datediff 返回跨两个指定日期的日期和时间边界数。
select datediff(day,’2004-09-01′,’2004-09-18′) –返回:17

4. datepart 返回代表指定日期的指定日期部分的整数。
SELECT DATEPART(month, ‘2004-10-15’) –返回 10

5. datename 返回代表指定日期的指定日期部分的字符串
SELECT datename(weekday, ‘2004-10-15′) –返回:星期五

6. day(), month(),year() –可以与datepart对照一下

select 当前日期=convert(varchar(10),getdate(),120)

select datename(dw,’2004-10-15′)

select 本年第多少周=datename(week,’2004-10-15′)

函数 参数/功能
GetDate( ) 返回系统目前的日期与时间
DateDiff (interval,date1,date2) 以interval 指定的方式,返回date2 与date1两个日期之间的差值 date2-date1砍?
DateAdd (interval,number,date) 以interval指定的方式,加上number之后的日期
DatePart (interval,date) 返回日期date中,interval指定部分所对应的整数值
DateName (interval,date) 返回日期date中,interval指定部分所对应的字符串名称

参数 interval的设定值如下:

值 缩 写(Sql Server) (Access 和 ASP) 说明
Year Yy yyyy 年 1753 ~ 9999
Quarter Qq q 季 1 ~ 4
Month Mm m 月1 ~ 12
Day of year Dy y 一年的日数,一年中的第几日 1-366
Day Dd d 日,1-31
Weekday Dw w 一周的日数,一周中的第几日 1-7
Week Wk ww 周,一年中的第几周 0 ~ 51
Hour Hh h 时0 ~ 23
Minute Mi n 分钟0 ~ 59
Second Ss s 秒 0 ~ 59
Millisecond Ms – 毫秒 0 ~ 999
access 和 asp 中用date()和now()取得系统日期时间;其中DateDiff,DateAdd,DatePart也同是能用于Access和asp中,这些函数的用法也类似
1.GetDate() 用于sql server :select GetDate()

2.DateDiff(‘s’,’2005-07-20′,’2005-7-25 22:56:32′)返回值为 514592 秒
DateDiff(‘d’,’2005-07-20′,’2005-7-25 22:56:32′)返回值为 5 天

3.DatePart(‘w’,’2005-7-25 22:56:32′)返回值为 2 即星期一(周日为1,周六为7)
DatePart(‘d’,’2005-7-25 22:56:32′)返回值为 25即25号
DatePart(‘y’,’2005-7-25 22:56:32′)返回值为 206即这一年中第206天
DatePart(‘yyyy’,’2005-7-25 22:56:32′)返回值为 2005即2005年
DatePart(Hh, ‘2005-7-25 22:56:32’)返回值为22
DatePart(Mi, ‘2005-7-25 22:56:32’)返回值为56

7月 162012

1. App crashes when it starts, because I make a error to set TextView.textcolor to a String resource Value, it should be a drawable resource value

2. I wrote a function which used Context of the activity. But when I finished coding, eclipse gave an error message. After a about 1 hour research, I finally found I wrote the function in the subclass of the activity. After moving the function to the main class, it works.

3. (be continued…)

 Posted by on 2012-07-16
7月 162012

When I gave a margin value 10 to TextView, the eclipse give a below error message.

error: Error: Integer types not allowed (at ‘layout_margin’ with value ’10’).

I searched on internet, and found can’t give a integer value to it, should use 10dip.

 Posted by on 2012-07-16

StrictMode of android

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7月 122012

StrictMode is a developer tool which used to detect accident in program. For example, if you do internet access or local file operation in the UI directly, the strictmode mechanism will throw an error to the application.

StrictMode is used default since Android 3.0(HoneyComb).

example of a wrong case

If you request an url like above, your app will crashes.

So the right thing we do this is we can run the internet request in thread(Threads, AsyncTask, Handler), I give a simple by AsyncTask.

It looks very troublesome when we just debug the program, so we can also use a simple code to disable ThreadPolicy to avoid errors.

7月 112012

WordPress Ver: 3.4.1
Theme: suffusion version 4.2.5

A screen shot of where is the category navbar

Steps to configure the option

1. Sign in your wordpress back-end
2. Select page Appearance->Suffusion Options on the left function navigation bar
3. Select “Other Graphical Elements” on the top of suffusion options page

4. Select “Breadcrumbs and Page Navigation” on the left bar

5. And now you can configure the category text navigation bar in the page now.

7月 102012