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10月 092013
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;This callback will be called when the installer is nearly finished initializing. If the '.onInit' function calls Abort, the installer will quit instantly Function .onInit KillProcDLL::KillProc "myprogram.exe" FunctionEnd ;This callback is called when the user hits the 'cancel' button after the install has failed (if it could not extract a file, or the install script used the Abort command). Function .onInstFailed ExecShell "open" "$INSTDIRmyprogram.exe" FunctionEnd ;This callback will be called when the uninstaller is nearly finished initializing. If the 'un.onInit' function calls Abort, the uninstaller will quit instantly. Note that this function can verify and/or modify $INSTDIR if necessary. Function un.onInit MessageBox MB_ICONQUESTION|MB_YESNO|MB_DEFBUTTON2 "Are you sure you want to uninstall $(^Name) and its componments?" IDYES NoAbort IDYES +2 Abort NoAbort: KillProcDLL::KillProc "myprogram.exe" FunctionEnd |
- .onInit为安装程序启动时触发的事件,此处杀掉进程是防止更新安装时不能更新主程序的问题
- .onInstFailed为安装失败时触发的事件,此处启动程序文件是为防止安装失败后本该运行着的程序因为前面被杀掉不能继续运行
- un.onInit为初始化卸载过程时触发的事件,在此事件的对话框选Yes的时候,即确认要卸载的时候跳转到NoAbort并杀掉进程,选No的时候不做任何操作。