分类:C++, Others
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1月 172017
- 派生类所有构造函数都会默认调用基本的默认构造函数(没有参数的构造函数,如Base())
- 派生类如果想显示的调用基类的带参数的构造函数,要在派生类的初始化器处调用,而不能在构造函数的实现里调用(即不能在花括号里调用{})
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#include <iostream> class Shape{ public: int length = 0; public: Shape(){ length = 3; //子类的所有构造函数都会调用基类的默认构造函数 } Shape(int len){ length = len; } }; class Circle: public Shape{ public: Circle() {}; }; class Square: public Shape{ public: Square(int len) : Shape(len){ //在初始化器这里调用基类的相关构造函数,而不是在下面的实现里 // Shape(len); //在这里会报错,放在, redefinition of 'len' with a different type: 'Shape' vs 'int' } Square(std::string name){}; //这个构造函数会调用Shape的默认构造函数 }; int main(int argc, char **argv) { Shape shape ; std::cout << "Shape length: " << shape.length << std::endl; Circle circle; std::cout << "Circle length: " << circle.length << std::endl; Square square(10); std::cout << "Square length: " << square.length << std::endl; Square mysquare("mysquare"); std::cout << "mysquare length: " << mysquare.length << std::endl; } |
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Shape length: 3 Circle length: 3 Square length: 10 mysquare length: 3 |